Thursday, October 23, 2008
食谱分享: Pizza 披薩
9:19 PM
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食谱 (2): Pizza 披薩
1. 高筋面粉 175g
2. 迅速酵母 2 小匙
3. 鹽 少许
4. 糖 10g
5. 温水 100g
6. 牛油 10g
7. 青椒 半粒
8. 红椒 半粒
9. 洋葱 一粒
10.蟹柳 3条
11.火腿肉 2片
12.Mozarella cheese 半条
13.番茄酱 2汤匙
2. 放在溫暖处醒至2倍大(需时大约2小时,取出桿成圆薄形状,再醒15分钟.
4. 烤炉溫度:200℃ 烤约20-30分钟。
Ingredients (材料):
1. 高筋面粉 175g
2. 迅速酵母 2 小匙
3. 鹽 少许
4. 糖 10g
5. 温水 100g
6. 牛油 10g
7. 青椒 半粒
8. 红椒 半粒
9. 洋葱 一粒
10.蟹柳 3条
11.火腿肉 2片
12.Mozarella cheese 半条
13.番茄酱 2汤匙
2. 放在溫暖处醒至2倍大(需时大约2小时,取出桿成圆薄形状,再醒15分钟.
4. 烤炉溫度:200℃ 烤约20-30分钟。
6:03 AM
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食谱 (1): Rice Cooker Cake电饭锅蛋糕
Ingredients (材料):
1.鸡蛋3-4粒(我买到的比较小粒所以用了5粒)Egg 3-4
2.糖 sugar
4.牛奶125ml milk 125ml
prepare 2 bowl, the bowl must be no water and oil inside.
separate the egg yolk and egg white
Step 2:
add 5-8 spoon of sugar into the yolk
Step 3:
use the spoon to mix the sugar and yolk
add in 125ml milk and mix it again
then add in the flour, mix with up down motion, don't mix by clockwise. mix until it become sticky paste. (if it is too watery add in more flour, and if it is too sticky add in milk)
if the flour is not fully dissolved, use the spoon to press it.
Step 4:
add 2-3 spoon of sugar into the white, add a little bit of salt or vinegar or lemon juice.
batter it clockwise, do not change direction
batter until it become creamy or it won't fall down even if u turn over the bowl
Step 5:
after preparing the egg yolk and white, now is time to mix both together.
mix the egg white cream to the egg yolk paste, mix with up and down motion, do not batter it clockwise.
Ingredients (材料):
1.鸡蛋3-4粒(我买到的比较小粒所以用了5粒)Egg 3-4
2.糖 sugar
4.牛奶125ml milk 125ml
prepare 2 bowl, the bowl must be no water and oil inside.
separate the egg yolk and egg white
Step 2:
add 5-8 spoon of sugar into the yolk
Step 3:
use the spoon to mix the sugar and yolk
add in 125ml milk and mix it again
then add in the flour, mix with up down motion, don't mix by clockwise. mix until it become sticky paste. (if it is too watery add in more flour, and if it is too sticky add in milk)
if the flour is not fully dissolved, use the spoon to press it.
Step 4:
add 2-3 spoon of sugar into the white, add a little bit of salt or vinegar or lemon juice.
batter it clockwise, do not change direction
batter until it become creamy or it won't fall down even if u turn over the bowl
Step 5:
after preparing the egg yolk and white, now is time to mix both together.
mix the egg white cream to the egg yolk paste, mix with up and down motion, do not batter it clockwise.
add it in 2 separate times
Step 6:
ok, now can put it into the rice cooker!
spread some oil or butter onto he rice cooker, then close the cooker and turn it to cook mode. After the mode turn to keep warm, pour in the egg paste.
use a spoon to make the paste flat, or you can hold the cooker and shake it slowly, then turn the mode to "cook" again.
Step 7:
after the cooker turn into "keep warm" mode, wait for 15-20 min, then press to "cook" again.
after it turn to "keep warm" mode, wait for another 20min, then open the cover,use a toothpick to poke it to test whether the cake is ready to be served
if you feel that the cake is not yet ready, press again the "cook" mode.
**这里又要注意一下,有些人的电饭锅可能会和我的一样,就是在按了一次开关后就自动跳到keep warm的状态,然后就不可以在按cook了。如果是这样的话也就简单,你可以在温热了空锅后,把电置关掉,大概15-20分钟后就可在按回cook的 mode了。这时候你才倒入蛋糊再按cook(确保你的锅还是在温热的状态),在跳闸后继续keep warm半个小时就可以了!
Step 6:
ok, now can put it into the rice cooker!
spread some oil or butter onto he rice cooker, then close the cooker and turn it to cook mode. After the mode turn to keep warm, pour in the egg paste.
use a spoon to make the paste flat, or you can hold the cooker and shake it slowly, then turn the mode to "cook" again.
Step 7:
after the cooker turn into "keep warm" mode, wait for 15-20 min, then press to "cook" again.
after it turn to "keep warm" mode, wait for another 20min, then open the cover,use a toothpick to poke it to test whether the cake is ready to be served
if you feel that the cake is not yet ready, press again the "cook" mode.
**这里又要注意一下,有些人的电饭锅可能会和我的一样,就是在按了一次开关后就自动跳到keep warm的状态,然后就不可以在按cook了。如果是这样的话也就简单,你可以在温热了空锅后,把电置关掉,大概15-20分钟后就可在按回cook的 mode了。这时候你才倒入蛋糊再按cook(确保你的锅还是在温热的状态),在跳闸后继续keep warm半个小时就可以了!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Sakit Gigi
9:37 AM
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Having toothache today , not so pain but it hurts.
The gigi rosak for long long time edi , baobei asked me to go to see dentist , but paiseh to mention this : I am afraid to see dentist !!
Finally, after some hard work , yeah ..... hard work !! Managed to get the damn-it tooth out ..
Fuuhhh.. relief.... call me Dr. Tan , yeah !!
Spend more than an hour to update this blog with new template , looks much better now I guess.
What say you ?
The gigi rosak for long long time edi , baobei asked me to go to see dentist , but paiseh to mention this : I am afraid to see dentist !!
Finally, after some hard work , yeah ..... hard work !! Managed to get the damn-it tooth out ..
Fuuhhh.. relief.... call me Dr. Tan , yeah !!
Spend more than an hour to update this blog with new template , looks much better now I guess.
What say you ?
5:11 AM
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一年前的今天,也是中秋月圆的大好日子, 我们在家人的见证下,携手迈进我们新的人生, 希望我们永远都记得在那一刻许下的承若, 一辈子都要好好守护彼此, 照顾彼此,疼惜彼此,陪伴彼此,永远都要爱着彼此.........
一年后的今天,我们依然遵守我们的承若,好好的爱着彼此。 虽然有时也有生气及冷战的时候,但我们都不会做些会伤害我们感情的事。六年在一起的日子, 明年就是七年之痒了,希望老公不会心 痒痒啦.......
一大清早,在我上班之前,老公突然抱了我一下,然后送了一条白金项链及白水晶。晚上,我们去了victoria station 吃晚餐,然后一起去戏院看场戏。我想大家都不会猜到我们看了什么戏..... 哈哈, 我们竟然跑去看长江七号,一套旧戏,因为是 Aeon 的 戏院新开张,所以给的免费戏票。
Friday, October 17, 2008
Gold Investment 01
1:05 AM
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17 Oct 2008
Selling Price : RM 94.05
Quantity Buy : 27 gram
Total IGold Value : RM 2539.35
Saving Account Balance : RM 250
Gold Investment Account : RM 2539.35
Stamp Duty : RM 10
Total Capital : RM 2799.35
Selling Price : RM 94.05
Quantity Buy : 27 gram
Total IGold Value : RM 2539.35
Saving Account Balance : RM 250
Gold Investment Account : RM 2539.35
Stamp Duty : RM 10
Total Capital : RM 2799.35
Invested in Gold
12:25 AM
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I been looking for gold investment opportunity since last year. Kijang emas , golden maple etc have been in my scope but somehow , i dare not go into it.
Last week , I realized there is other gold investment that have lower commission compare to kijang emas : The Public Bank Gold Investment account . The difference between the selling and buying price is just 3 % ,which is much more lower to other gold investment scheme available in Malaysia.
I have kept my eye on it and have set my target price at < 95 Rm/gram . I plan to go into it once the price drop below 95 ringgit.
Oct 17, 2008 .
The gold dropped to 94.35 on 11.30 am . I am so excited and quickly go out for early lunch. I rushed to HSBC to withdraw 3K and then rushed to Public Bank.
It took me about 40 min ( including wait time ) to done with the new saving account opening , gold investment account opening and ebanking application.
As my IC stated that i am from Perak , the bank required me to provide a proof that I am either working or staying in Penang. OMG , they ask for business card that I do not have inside my wallet .
Luckily the company badge is accepted as a proof that i am working in Penang. It then tooks me another 15 min to get the rest of procedure done at the banking counter. Finally , managed to bought 27 gram of gold at the price of 94.05 RM ! ;-)
Sound to be good right ? Not really , as the price going down to RM93.85 at the moment i am writing this post. Haha..
Dont worry, i believe it will going high next week. God bless me.